Step-by-Step Instructions for CE4Nurses!
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1. Log in to this site with your username and password by clicking the red "Log In" button in the upper right hand of the site.
Current ONA members:
The member email address and password on file with your account has already been integrated into CE4Nurses.
If your email is not on file, your CE4Nurses account will not recognize you as a member user. The system will allow you to make the account, but it will not know to link to your membership account. If you create a CE4Nurses account and are not recognized as a member:
1. Call 614-969-3800 or email to request assistance at: support@ohnurses.org
2. Be prepared to provide your name, email that needs added, and a number where you can be reached.
Once ONA confirms your membership, we will add your email to your account. You will then be recognized as a member at your next login.
Anyone who has previously purchased any products through ONA, but is not a member:
you will use the same login and password information you previously used. It has already been integrated.
New Users:
If you have never purchased from ONA before you will click the "Don't have an account" option, after clicking the "Log In" button to make an account.
This account is free (creating this account does not make you an ONA member).
The set-up process will take you through creating an account. The final step of creating an account is "Agree to Terms" on the ONA Connect page. Once you agree, you will be looped back to the CE4Nurses site and can log in.
If you would like to become an ONA member, visit www.ohnurses.org and click Join Now in the top right hand corner.
ONA members receive over $400 of FREE CE per year! It pays to belong.
2. Your username is your entire email address.
3. Browse the "Education Catalog" to see CE4Nurses' online content and register for online education that interests you.
4. Register for as many online courses and sessions as you'd like. All of the items you have registered for will be found in your "My Dashboard" page.
5. Disable your pop-up blocker! The articles and webinars in CE4Nurses often open in a new window. If you are clicking to open something and it is now coming up, you likely have your pop-ups blocked. Once you disable your pop-up blocker, you may need to click what you were trying to open again.
6. Find the contact hours you've earned on your Transcript, found on the "My Dashboard" page.
Enjoy! Visit our Contact Us page for additional help.
Logging In How-To
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