The Fundamentals of Human Trafficking for Health Care Professionals

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Criteria for Successful Completion: Commensurate with participation and completion of an evaluation form.

Exp. Date: 7/1/2024

No one with the ability to control content of this activity has a relevant financial relationship with an ineligible company. 

The Ohio Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)

Alicia Ley, BA

Alicia Ley currently serves the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking as a Program Specialist where she founded and leads the Survivor Advisory Council. Alicia has spent many years advocating and building holistic, trauma- informed programing to support survivors as they journey through healing. It’s these face-to-face relationships, as well as Alicia’s lived experienced, is what fuels her fiery passion to provide accurate and engaging education and awareness to our region. She is fervent about bringing survivors and allies together in order to provide empowering solutions in the fight against human trafficking.  

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